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MY BOOK - The Story

Writer's picture: Dr. HerzogDr. Herzog

Updated: Apr 15, 2020

"These are my weapons to fight invisible, obnoxious,

and sometimes deadly, enemies "

Dr. John Herzog

How does someone stay healthy when the hospitals are closed and there is no doctor?

Hi, I’m doctor John Herzog and this question used to keep me up at night. So much so that few years ago I started a journey to create something that had never been done before:

A comprehensive doctor’s book of survival home remedies filled with scientifically proven remedies that can keep Americans strong and healthy in extreme situations. This information is very important now in a time of uncertainty, when the health care systems is stressed to its limit.

Now, I believe that I know a thing or two when it comes to medical care.

I am an orthopedic and trauma surgeon. I gravitated to this profession, walking in the footsteps of my grandfather, father, and an uncle.

But Dad influenced me the most.  He was kind of a cross between James Bond and a cowboy. A medical pioneer,  he did the first total hip and total knee replacement in the state of Michigan.

My main focus is

to keep people

out of the Emergency Room

by being prepared,

like Dad was. 

Live Free or Die

When I was considering where in this country to settle after medical school I was first attracted to New Hampshire because of the state motto.

Similar to the Boy Scouts’ motto ‘Be Prepared’, New Hampshire’s is ’Live Free or Die’.

3 decades of caring for other people as an orthopaedic and traumatic surgeon, is never easy. But the way I see it, there’s a solution for everything. 

As an orthopaedic surgeon when you are on call for the entire city, you have to be able to put Humpty Dumpty back together again when the chopper comes in.  Putting new joints in hips has a very distinct protocol. Putting a kid’s foot back together after a lawn mower accident takes the art of medicine.

Then you’ve got to understand not only the physical problems, but the psychological issues in dealing with grief, guilt, and ongoing medical problems. 

Trauma…a Good Teacher

I understand all that aftermath of trauma.

My first trauma in life came, in fact, when I collided with—of all things—a moose. At Moosehead Lake in Maine—I kid you not!

At 50 years of age, I sustained a head injury in the collision. I bet you’re wondering what happened to the moose!

I can’t tell you, but I suspect he was better off than me, as he likely recovered in the forest. With a healthy diet. 

Now, not only did I have no motivation, but I was on death’s doorstep. 

Only a week after the collision I attempted to go back to work. But fate had other plans for me.

On my way to do a surgery that day, what happened turned my world upside down. 

I had a major seizure and ended up a patient in the hospital that day instead of a doctor.

Instead of saving a patient’s life I needed to be saved!

My Light Bulb Moment  

That was around the time when more reliable researches on natural remedies came out, and I devoured them immediately.

Later I led my own study with medical students and then started moving toward a home-remedy based lifestyle.

These studies radically changed my diet, my way of treating myself and my patients and in fact it changed my whole life. I learned from experience how the best diet converts to the best fuel for the human body and mind.

Not only is diet extremely important, but it may be the most under-utilized portion of medicine today.

People don’t understand how important diet is to their health. But it’s actually quite simple—it you eat a poor diet you have poor health.

With that flash of insight 10 years ago, I knew three things for certain. I needed to:

1. Get rid of my arthritis

2. Lose weight

3. Get off pharmaceutical medications

I realised, in short, that the last thing I wanted was to spend the rest of my life being so dependable on the medical health care. So by understanding what I eat, my cholesterol reading today is back where it should be, I don’t have pain in my back or knees, and I’m fully functioning.

All simply because I changed my diet, I now feel like in my 20s again and I wish everyone would feel this way. I truly believe if we all moved to a correct diet, we would spend 80% less on healthcare. We’re killing ourselves with our diet.


This book is the all-in-one health resource with reliable scientifically-backed alternatives for when help can’t reach you.

This “Health Survival Encyclopedia” is 478 pages chalk full of over 100 scientifically researched natural home remedies that can keep you and your family healthy and safe, even when going outside might be the worst option.

It is the best alternative health insurance you could possible have for when the modern medicine goes out the window, and survival is on the line.

Simple, Smart & Easy

I wrote “Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies” as the smart, simple, and easy way to make anyone understand the options in regards to how they can stay healthy and strong.

It gives instant access to hundreds of remedies for most of the health condition out there.

This book is easy to read, to understand and to apply by experts and novices alike. This information can help anyone before SHTF, during the SHTF and after the SHTF.

Plus, it doesn’t matter where someone lives: rural, suburban, or urban and it doesn’t matter how prepared or underprepared someone feels about their “survival” situation.

I'm sure The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies

Can be a powerful ally in keeping Americans as healthy as possible, for as long as possible.

Bits from the book These are some of my own weapons to fight back an obnoxious, international, invisible, yet deadly enemy.

The good, old peppermint

How To Grow IT

Peppermint is notoriously vigorous and is even classified as an invasive weed in some parts of the world. It can be grown in most climates and is hardy to USDA zone 3 .

Peppermint plants can spread quickly by roots, so it’s actually an ideal plant to grow in a container. It grows well as a houseplant, or you can sink the container in the ground if you’d like to include peppermint in your garden.

If you choose to plant peppermint directly in the soil, make sure it’s in an area where you can regularly cut the roots around the plant to stop it from spreading. You can also surround your plant with wood or plastic edging, preferably to a depth of at least 14 inches (35.5 centimeters)

Berberine to increase beneficial bacteria in the gut

Contained in goldenseal, goldthread, phellodendron, tree turmeric and European barberry, berberine can reduce blood sugar levels in people with type 2 diabetes.

According to recent studies, berberine works to lessen resistance to insulin in cells, decrease sugar production in the liver, slow the rate at which the body breaks down carbohydrates and increase beneficial bacteria in the gut.

It is also thought to help reduce cholesterol and triglyceride levels.

Valerian's stress-busting action

Conditions it can improves A review of 18 different studies found that, overall, study participants felt valerian improved their insomnia symptoms, without any side effects. Valerian has also been shown to reduce anxiety and depression. This is most likely due to its ability to increase GABA in your brain.

Valerian’s stress-busting action is also associated with improving the following conditions:

• Dizziness and Vertigo • Epilepsy • Fibromyalgia • High Blood Pressure • Hyperactivity • Insomnia • Menopausal Symptoms • Obsessive Compulsive Disorder • Pain, such as Arthritis or Headache • Restless Leg Syndrome • Sciatica • Stomach and Other Muscle Cramps.

Chamomile for Stress, Pressure and Anxiety


Chamomile has been called brightest star of the Medicinal Flowers. This easy to grow flower is consider to support the treatment of Stress, Pressure, & Anxiety. Read in my book the science behind how it does that.

To make myself a pain-relieving tea, I start with 50 or so Chamomile flowers. Then, I add them to 4-8 cups of water and let steep for 15 minutes.

Black Pepper Enhancements

It’s been found that black pepper contains piperine508, which can enhance the absorption of curcumin by a staggering 2000%.

Curcumin is also fat soluble. That means eating it with fats, such as olive oil or ghee, will help the body absorb it better.

Elderberry Tea can Break a Fever

The berries and flowers of the elderberry plant encourage sweating that can help to break a fever.

Elderberry is traditionally used to make a tea, which should be taken three times a day.

Yarrow to promote sweating

It normally is used as a tea, taken three times a day to promote sweating and help with fever.

Brew a Pot of Tea or Coffee

Yes, water should be your go-to beverage.

But, some research suggests that drinking three or more cups of caffeinated tea or coffee every day may reduce the chances of developing type 2 diabetes.

Researchers credit antioxidants called polyphenols, contained in tea and coffee, for the potential protection against the disease.

Green Tea in Type 2 Diabetes Prevention

Also, green tea contains an antioxidant that has been shown to increase insulin sensitivity in the cells and slow down the rate at which blood sugar is released from the liver into the bloodstream.

Stock on Spirulina - high in B Vitamins, Iron, Magnesium, Potasium

Compared to other foods by weight, spirulina is one of the most nutritious foods on the planet.

It’s high in protein and contains all essential amino acids. Spirulina is also high in B vitamins, iron, magnesium, potassium, and a wide range of other vitamins, minerals, and antioxidants.

As spirulina is a very simple organism, the proteins and nutrients are easily digested and absorbed.

Take a Bay Leaf Bath

Add some bay leaves while you’re pouring a bath and let them soak for at least a few minutes.

This can help skin conditions, such as eczema, fungal infections, or psoriasis.

How to treat infected wounds

Once you read the chapter on infections you will see the distinction between several types of infections , and I hope you will take to heart the importance of keeping your immune system strong.

That way it will always be on the ready to combat harmful bacteria, a measure to prevent your overall suffering.

If you or a loved one ever have an infected wound, please follow the suggestions I'm giving in my book. Often when a person starts feeling better, they mistakenly believe an infection has resolved itself. Don’t make that mistake. Stay one step ahead and be prepared.

But this book has much more help to offer.



This book has 3 main parts:

1. Conditions 2. Remedies 3. Survival

1. Conditions

Anyone who’s facing any one of these conditions can instantly look it up. I then cover that condition from A to Z.

For every condition there’s a section called “Understanding It” to make sure and misunderstandings are cleared up. Then, I cover “Possible Complications” that might come up.

Next, there’s a section to cover the “Symptoms” as well as “Possible Causes” of the condition. Then I wrap up each condition by covering “Prevention” as well as research-based, science-backed “Natural Remedies.”

2. Remedies

I tried to include as many remedies as possible with ingredients that you can grow in your garden, in a container on your balcony, or find in the wild, just in case going to shop and get them wouldn't be recommended.

For each plant you'll discover a brief introduction to understand the science behind each plant.

The healing benefit of these remedies is covered in CONDITIONS, and in REMEDIES.

For the ease of cross-referencing, we’ve indicated, under each plant, which conditions it can remedy.

For each plant you'll also learn "How to grow it" and "How to store it".

One of the most important part of each chapter on a plant is "How to turn it into a remedy? You'll learn for each plant the step-by-step instructions and tips for making:

- Tea

- Poultice

- Infusion

- Tincture

- Extract

- Essential Oils

- Inhalation

- Compresses

- and many more

3. Survival Recommendations

In this part you will see how important it is for all these health-dots to connect correctly, especially when survival is on the line.

When I wrote this book 2 years ago, little did I know the role it will come to play in overcoming the medical challenges we're facing.

I’ve included pictures, illustrations, and photographs for clarity and ease of understanding.

There’s 83 figures and illustrations in this 478-Page Reference Book.

Plus… there’s an “A to Z Index” where you can find exact page references for virtually any topic you might want to look up. And there’s a “Table of Figures” and illustrations for quick and easy reference.

What Happens Next?

After you click the button, you’ll be directed to a 100% Secure and Encrypted Checkout Page.

I’ve partnered with the online platform where they use military-grade encryption so your information is “Fort Knox” safe.

You’ll then fill out a simple order form so we know where to send your information.

You’ll get email confirmation of your order within 15 minutes and your book will be delivered digitally via email.

Easy Email Support

Now, even though I made this book as complete as possible,

I know there will always be questions that pop up now and again.

That’s why, along with this digital resource, I’m including 12 months of unlimited email access - where you can ask us just about anything related to Doctor's Book of Survival Home Remedies.

More Allies For Staying Healthy & Strong

Oh, and there’s more thing, and this is important:

During my years of research I came across piles of useful information and experimented a lot with food.

But that didn’t make sense to put into this Book of Survival Home Remedies. Yet is powerfully helpful to anyone wanting to know his options when the medical system is not an option and simply when we don't want to abuse it..

So, get my book, and I’m going to include these three special reports for free.

BONUS REPORT #1 is called

The Doctor’s Book of

100 Delicious Anti-Inflammatory Recipes

I’ve put together a list of 100 absolutely delicious recipes to support those with particular conditions:

Arthritis Back pain Blood pressure Cancer Cardiovascular issues Diabetes Digestive issues Fatty liver disease Fungal infections Hashimoto’s thyroiditis Infections Influenza and Pneumonia Osteoporosis Pain Urinary tract issues And many more

For each condition you'll learn what foods are recommended and what is to be avoided.

You'll discover simple step-by-step instructions to prepare healthy and tasty steaks, soups, salads, smoothies, pasta, risotto and much more.

BONUS REPORT #2 is called

The Doctor’s List of Food as Medicine

This List is designed to help eliminate further more the confusing questions of “What should I eat?” or “What foods should I NOT eat?”

This simple but powerful list is designed to help anyone know exactly what foods help promote healing in the body.

For anyone with a passion for living their best Independently Healthy life this is a MUST.

I’ve also included a whole section dedicated to foods that are rich in antioxidants.

These are foods that naturally detox the cells in our bodies… so our organs function as they’re designed.

BONUS REPORT #3 is called

The Doctor’s Book of Home Emergency Room Triage

Do you know the 7 principles of saving a man's life? If you don't maybe it would't hurt if you read this.

Broken bones, burns, skin infections, back pain, abdominal pain, plus cuts and contusions.

What do you do?

What you don't do?

Every family should have access to competent triage and treatment strategies in the event that an ER is inaccessible

That could be due to a blackout, a natural disaster or even rural travel.

Or if someone simply never wants to set foot in one of those germ-filled rooms.

This book is designed to give any family the tools they need to successfully triage and treat the conditions that typically require an ER visit.

It’s a true life-saver.

These 3 Special Reports are free to anyone who completes their order today.

Simply click the “Add to Cart” button below, and I’ll make sure they’re included with your digital order 100% FREE.

My Doctor’s Oath

When I became a board certified doctor and surgeon, I took an oath. I’m taking a similar oath with you here today. It works like this.

Simply give my 478-page book of Survival Home Remedies a big “maybe.”Then, start checking it out. Start applying some of the remedies as needed.

See how it works for you.

You need to trust me. I've seen people's life taking a dramatic turn for the best.

Some start seeing significant results right away, and I hope you will be one of them

But obviously, results will vary.

And I'm no Medical Medium that talks to creepy voices and "cures" celebrities. I talk to facts and I help those who want my help to survive.

So, if, for any reason, my Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies isn’t a good fit for you, all you have to do is email my team and you’ll get a full refund immediately.

Zero questions. Zero hassles. You have 60 days to see if this book is right for you.

So, try The Doctor’s Book of Survival Home Remedies risk free today.

Click the “Add to Cart” button below to get started.

If you're over 50, you qualify for some extra bonuses. Just enter code "SURVIVAL" after you click the add to cart button for extra bonuses.

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